Having trouble writing an essay
Compare Contrast College Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Self Awareness Essay Example
Mindfulness Essay Example Mindfulness Essay Mindfulness Essay What's more, moral judgment Attitudes Cognitive style (towards change) Developing versatility and duty Determine data securing and assessment Interpersonal style Determine inclinations and connection designs (Carbolic 2005) Preserving face Known to self to others Arena know to others Facade Not known to self Blinds Unknown Dwyer (2000) Communication in Business: Strategies and inquire Self observation ; Think about the picture you have of yourself. Rapidly Write the initial 6-10 words that strike a chord ; Of these words compose the words that are in your Arena and those in your exterior. ; Give instances Of each Work with accomplice ; What picture do they anticipate? Compose the initial 4 words that ring a bell. ; Discuss your discoveries. Each in turn! Recall ; Any disparity between recognitions can fill in as a learning open door for both ; What have you realized of your bloodspot or exterior? Perceptual mutilations Stereotyping summing up ; Halo impact attribute overwhelms messiness ; Central propensity midpoints everything ; Contrast impacts assessments influenced ; Projection ; Perceptual safeguard called upon to protect our self-observation (Wilson 2010) In bunches ideas utilized ; Did you for the most part use descriptive words which will in general be evaluative things which will in general be impartial action words which will in general be conduct arranged ; What have you realized of your perceptual channels? What perceptual bending do you for the most part use? Exercises to be scholarly Ones discernments can never be absolutely precise ; Rephrase what is said ; Question your decisions of others making a decision about others has life suggestions ; The more prominent self-comprehension the simpler not to make outrageous decisions.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Costs associated with occupational and corporate crime Essay
Expenses related with word related and corporate wrongdoing - Essay Example Personal expense infringement is a well known cubicle wrongdoing. As indicated by an article in New York Times, tax avoidance costs governments around the world more than $3.1 trillion every year. Such an incredible loss of more than $3.1 trillion in yearly income is an exceptionally enormous issue, yet it is exceedingly difficult to get cubicle hoodlums. As indicated by a report distributed by the World Bank in 2011, over 5.1% of worldwide GDP never arrives at the administration workplaces as charges. Europe is presently confronting an emergency as a result of this widespread tax avoidance. The most noteworthy measure of assessment income is lost by the US, about $337 billion. The US is trailed by South America and Italy (Werdigier). Theft is a sort of word related wrongdoing and research guarantees that â€Å"the yearly expense of misappropriation is 12.42 billion dollars†(Zarka). However, look into proposes that the greatest expenses are related with desk wrongdoings. For instance, it is asserted that â€Å"the American business network lost $50 billion of every 1980 to cushy crime†(Eitzen refered to in Long), which is in excess of multiple times the expenses related with all road wrongdoings. These are simply quotes since truth is that word related and corporate violations can't be precisely estimated. Office crooks are difficult to get in view of their high position which is the reason correctional facilities are packed with socially and monetarily distraught guilty parties who have perpetrated a low-class road wrongdoing. Numerous issues are experienced by analysts who attempt to reveal costs related with word related and corporate wrongdoings. It is constantly simpler to evaluate costs related with road violations since individuals behind these wrongdoings have no word related or corporate foundation. These are jobless individuals commonly having a place with poor class. Be that as it may, the issue with word related and corporate lawbreakers is that the higher callings and
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Understanding And Application Of Knowledge In The Area Of SOCIAL
Understanding And Application Of Knowledge In The Area Of SOCIAL Understanding And Application Of Knowledge In The Area Of SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY â€" Essay Example > Understanding and Application of Knowledge in the area of Social PsychologySocial psychology is considered to be a field of knowledge created by the overlapping fields of sociology and psychology. Professionals within both sociology and psychology tend to adopt different approaches to social psychology. Psychologists hold the view that the individual influences society, while sociologists take the opposing view, that society influences the individual. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that, apart from being a controversial area of study, knowledge in the area of social psychology can contribute towards the solving of social problems in the real world, provided it is properly understood and applied. One example which demonstrates the effective use of social psychology is the concept of stereotypes. Stereotypes are simplified evaluations of social groups and their members, based on (usually externally visible) characteristics such as gender, age, nationality and so on. The se characterizations are either of a positive or negative nature and they tend to be widely shared, especially by members of a particular social, political, economic or ethnic group (Myers, 2008). According to the author, “Stereotypes are often based on observable characteristics such as appearance, personality traits, typical interests and aspirations, and preferred activities and occupations. †Some stereotypes are factual, some stereotypes are exaggerations of fact, while other stereotypes are complete fabrications. The risk of using stereotypes is that they are simplifications of reality and generalizations about the assumed characteristics of groups. Therefore, stereotypes do not necessarily predict the actual characteristics or behaviour of any member of stereotyped groups. However, it is important to note that many stereotypes are adopted early in life, before a child has independent knowledge and/or experience of the groups they refer to. Unfortunately, stereotypes are usually more hostile in the presence of social tensions and conflict between groups, and they are often a cause and/or effect of prejudice and discrimination. In a nutshell, Moghaddam (1998) states that stereotyping happens when any member of a social group is presumed to have the same characteristics as other members of the group, despite any actual differences between members of that social group. According to this author, stereotyping is not inherently wrong, as it is not always an intentional act of abuse. Nevertheless, the author acknowledges that stereotypes held about groups which are minorities or considered to be subordinate are commonly negative. .Some stereotypes are acquired through personal experience with members of the stereotyped group, but such stereotypes are vulnerable to bias due to differences in perception between members of different groups. It is not uncommon for the behaviour of one member of a group at a particular time to be interpreted as the standard b ehaviour of all other group members all the time. Other stereotypes exist as the result of an individual’s interactions with family, friends and the media. These interactions operate to fortify stereotypes, because individuals are constantly bombarded with simplified generalizations about other groups, and so stereotypes become strongly implanted into social norms. In addition, the media contributes towards the reinforcement of prevalent stereotypes, as media practitioners also believe in many stereotypes.
Friday, May 22, 2020
How E-Commerce Has Become Vital to World Economics
Now e-commerce is become so vital to world’s economics. E-commerce is an vital driving force of the world economic growth. The development of modern logistics in e- commerce environment, made the logistics in the development of in validation, networking, smart direction. The logistics manufacturing in China happening late, not modern enough, controlling the development of e-commerce logistics in China. This article research base on the domestic and international study of e-commerce logistics, analyze the characteristics and mode of e-commerce logistics, combined with the current situation and existing problems of e-commerce logistics in china, which proposed the development trend of e-commerce logistics system information technology in china is the integration of Logistics and purchasing. Over a year ago, China’s track to e-commerce management would have been tough to predict, even as the tech boom in the US and new markets saw the improvement of e-commerce as an important B2C and C2C channel. In 2000, China had yet to improving some e-commerce applications, and had only 2.1 million overall internet users. Payment procedure and physical distribution tools to enable the development of e-commerce trades were well-grew in other markets, but were just lacking in China. Today with Chinese internet consumers rapidly upcoming 600 million, and e-commerce profits development from 2009 until 2012 covering 70 percent compounded annually, China is on step to pass the United State andShow MoreRelatedSmall And Medium Enterprises ( Smes )1423 Words  | 6 Pagesrole in economic development in many countries around the world (Kotelnikov, 2007). Although SMEs contribute lots of stimulus to the national economy, they commonly suffer from a lack of nationwide geographical presence and an inability of provide their services 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The implementation of e-commerce eliminate these adverse conditions and promotes SMEs to extend wider markets without expanding their physical presence (Quaddus Hofmeyer, 2007). E-commerce has a strongRead MoreIct For The Development Of Smes Essay1439 Words  | 6 PagesGovernments around the world have put in place policies to encourage the growth of local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as they can help directly alleviate poverty by increasing income levels and creating jobs (ESCAP, 2012). At the same time, the global economy has become increasingly depended on the Information and communications technology (ICT) for market access and information. SMEs need to have access to and use of ICT to engage in the regional and global economic business networks. If SMEsRead MoreInformation And Communications Technology ( Ict ) For Market Access And Information Essay1699 Words  | 7 PagesGovernments around the world have put in place policies to encourage the growth of local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as they can help directly alleviate poverty by increasing income levels and creating jobs (ESCAP, 2012). At the same time, the global economy has become increasingly depended on the Information and communications technology (ICT) for market access and information. SMEs need to have access to and use of ICT to engage in the regional and global economic business networks. If SM EsRead MoreE Commerce And E Business Essay1437 Words  | 6 PagesDue to economic growth and information technology development, the competitive travel market is stimulating a high demand of customers for international travel (Lin Fu, 2012). 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The Internet facilitated the expansion of the movementRead MoreRelated Literarureand Studies of Online Selling Website1450 Words  | 6 PagesFrishman a Basic Level Expert Author The online selling field may seem infinite in scope, too, with millions of potential customers worldwide. But, success in selling collectibles on the Web is gained in much the same way as it is in the physical world, by knowing buyers needs and meeting them. Success can depend to a great degree on whether or not you are offering collectible properties able to meet at least one of these three key comm ercial elements: Not easily obtainable locally. Wide appealRead MoreCustomer Relationship Management and Sales Force Automation1735 Words  | 7 PagesDISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. How is e-business â€Å"redefining old business models, with the aid of technology, to maximize customer value? e-business is more than just buying and selling of products and services through the means of digital media. Whereas e-commerce concentrates on buying and selling, e-business encompasses e-commerce and a whole lot more. For example, e-business includes both front – and back-office applications that form the engine for modern business. e-business is redefining oldRead MoreHow Is the Internet Reshaping What We Mean by Culture?1436 Words  | 6 PagesHow is the Internet reshaping what we mean by culture? During the 20th century, electricity, the telephone, the automobile, and the airplane made the world more accessible to people and transforming our society in the process. Most people had to call their local bank to check their statements. Or wait for the paper invoice in the mail. The latest score for last nights hockey game were found in the local newspaper. Then came the accessible worldwide system of interconnected networks called theRead MoreEssay How Is The Internet Reshaping Culture1362 Words  | 6 PagesHow is the Internet reshaping what we mean by culture? During the 20th century, electricity, the telephone, the automobile, and the airplane made the world more accessible to people and transforming our society in the process. Most people had to call their local bank to check their statements. Or wait for the paper invoice in the mail. The latest score for last nights hockey game were found in the local newspaper. Then came the accessible worldwide system of interconnected networks called theRead MoreThe Privacy Of A Computer System Essay1538 Words  | 7 Pagessectors. Also, how those data privacy breach could impact someone’s personal, social and economic life. With the advent of information based society, private data became a big product of marketability and that market was flourished to interrelate other aspects of human life. Also recent introduction of another form of privacy concern in this connected world, which is also an organized crime called â€Å"Phishing†. One of the latest computer-related problems to arise is phishing, in which e-mails lure unsuspecting
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Introducing Examples of Essay Topics
Introducing Examples of Essay Topics The Dirty Truth About Examples of Essay Topics The college essay is among the most essential characteristics of your college application. Some terrible topics show admissions officers you don't have a great awareness of judgment or maturity, which is a problem as they are building a category of college students who have in order to deal with independent life on campus. You could be given the topic straight away by your professor, or maybe you be free to opt for the topic yourself. For instance, you can opt for a topic for elementary, middle, or higher school. You need to be very careful when choosing an essay topic. It's therefore important to thoroughly consider different college essay topics. Literature essay topics allow you to narrow back on a sure idea or detail, it's important to pick the essay topics you're interested in. As everyone probably knows, simply because you've got a definition essay topic and a couple examples doesn't si gnify you've got an essay. Don't forget, no reader wishes to be lectured at. To compose a superb argumentative essay, there are four important sections of the essay you're likely to have to know about. If you're new to writing argumentative essays, there are a couple of key factors which you can learn that may help you compose a much better argumentative essay. When prior brainstorming is finished, you can begin drafting your essay. The multiple topics might be found, for instance, in the dissertation abstracts international database. The Most Popular Examples of Essay Topics Even if you believe you don't have a lot to have in your memoir, you're able to still make it quite intriguing. Your essay should consist of recent statistics and data from reliable sources. You have to make sure you keep on that 1 side during your whole essay. It is crucial to lay out quotes correctly because it shows you're professional of what you're doing. In the event you're still lacking the inspiration to compose your memoir, you always have the option to arrive at the writing experts at Custom-Writing. Interview essays are written dependent on an interview, performed by the author. Hence, if you'd like to balance your academic and family pressure side-by-side, you can merely secure completely free essay samples so you may have a simple idea of writing proper essays. In the event the interview went well, it is going to be simple to compose an interview essay. There are lots of facets to be considered while looking about for an acceptable topic for an essay undertaking. Thanks to the correct selection of presentation style and a thorough understanding of the goals you wish to attain in your essay, there are plenty of categories essay themes may be broken into. In choosing your topic, it's frequently a good concept to start with a subject which you already have some familiarity with. Very often it becomes tough to choose one par ticular topic either on account of the many ideas in the student's head, or due to their complete absence. The option of compare and contrast essay topics isn't a simple task because you must clearly show your analytical skills. Without strong internal motivation, it is almost impossible to turn into successful. To the contrary, success is all about recognizing your weaknesses and accepting support from those who genuinely wish to assist you. There are a few commonalities across all the essay prompts on the GRE Argument pool page, even past the fact which each task asks you to examine some type of argument and analyze it. Write a response in which you discuss what questions would want to get answered to be able to determine whether the recommendation will probably have the predicted outcome. There are special words and word combination utilized for analytical purposes which ought to be learned too. Last, the detail of real speech makes the scene pop. Therefore, if you begin with a terrible topic, not only will you wind up with a poor essay, but you risk ruining the fantastic impre ssion that the remainder of your application makes. The Benefits of Examples of Essay Topics Reducing smoking can be accomplished through education, as smoking isn't something you need to advocate for. Picking a topic is an essential issue that partly estimates final success of the job. Secondly, you might have freedom to decide on any topic you enjoy. The main reason why some may experience difficulties with their essays is because they choose the incorrect topic. Type of Examples of Essay Topics It is preferable to grow up in a family with a lot of brothers and sisters. Neither is an excellent thing, since they're searching for men and women that are open to receiving new information from professors and not only deciding they know everything already. At times, even when you're writing about an interesting, relevant subject, you can nonetheless look immature or unready for college life due to the manner in which you present that topic the way you truly write your own persona l statement. Also, bear in mind that no college is eager to admit a person who is too close-minded to gain from being taught by other people. You'll have to create a user account and answer questions regarding your academic background and experience before picking a testing date. Going through sample essays would assist you in learning to recognize the suitable topic for you. Shopping online isn't secure or secure. It's possible to access your testing history and score reports for 60 days once they have been reported by means of your on-line account.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Purpose of an Operating System Free Essays
CPU and memory requirements are the most glaring but even hard rive partition size and what kind of disc drive present matters. Within the generations of Windows there is a long list of features that separate them. Windows XP was introduced with personalized start menu options per user using the PC. We will write a custom essay sample on Purpose of an Operating System or any similar topic only for you Order Now XP was the first Windows SO to self-adjust the task spacing as the user opened more programs. Windows Vista introduced Area, Sidebar, and Gadgets in an effort to enhance the users experience but also to make it easier to interact with the main system through the mini-application based Gadgets. Simple services like displaying pictures, turning wireless on or off, ND music playback were available that prior to Vista required a running program. Windows 7 further enhances the user experience with modification to Windows explorer and how it organizes the files and folders in an easier to use format. The use of Libraries enables the SO to index files by content and therefore able to group in a way where the user is able to locate a file even if the file is saved in an unrelated folder. The second largest of the major ASS is used exclusively by Apple. Mac SO is a proprietary system that has a very strict requirement for what hardware will work with the system. Despite the hardware limitations to only Intel Cups and approved motherboards, it remains a huge favorite to certain groups of users like multimedia designers, graphic artists, and music producers. One potential reason for this is because Apple was the first to utilize a simple a graphical user interface (GU’) therefore making it easier to use the system instead of driven by often hard to use and complex DOS commands. With later versions of Mac like SO X, various technologies, such as Anti-Aliasing and Colors are used to dramatically improve the user interface. Another difference is that a user can pen PC files like . Doc and . AXIS within Mac without problem, while Windows requires conversion software to open Mac files. By doing this, Apple has in effect broken down many important barriers while the average PC user has resisted in adopting a Mac over a PC. Despite some advantages, Mac usage is low, roughly 10% or lower of the entire computer market in the U. S. The smallest market share among the ASS belongs to Linux. Users have been slow to adopt it since its inception in October of 1991 by Lines Dorval. Despite little use by average users, there exists many a version or distributions which ghastly dominate the area of computers known as servers, main frames, and super computers. Linux is also the system of choice on much smaller devices like phones and tablets. What makes Linux exciting to use for some is also what keeps most users away; Linux has splintered to over 300 variations. Most are specialized for the devices which it is meant to be installed on, but even for use for the mass market of users there are still four major variations such as Bunt, Use, Red Hat, and Knops. Common trait within Linux is that it has a very small footprint compared to larger ASS like Windows. For computer enthusiasts, one can run a distribution of Linux on hardware that is otherwise vastly outdated or run alongside Windows on the same computer. Another advantage of Linux is the well-established and openly accessible documentation on the commands but also how to configure the System best for the user or the use of the SO as well as how to troubleshoot issues. For software hobbyists and professionals this means that they can basically tailor the system to their needs and cut the dependence on what Microsoft or Apple may offer. Because of the open source nature of the SO, they can both upload fixes and receive enhancements from other users and the committees that oversee Linen’s development. Despite the differences between operating systems a common thread among them is that they help shape the user experience of a computer. By doing so it enhances our desire to continue using computers and their many benefits. Without development of operating systems things such as modern day networks or communications wouldn’t be possible. Since new technologies are constantly bringing us new and better hardware, it’s the operating system and its development that will continue to encourage the user to ultimately enjoy the device. How to cite Purpose of an Operating System, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Lotus Bakery, Case Study Essay Example
Lotus Bakery, Case Study Paper Lotus Bakeries NV International case study Bart Bauwens Director Export November 2010 Personal introduction †¢ Bart Bauwens – 1967 †¢ Master in Business Economics University of Ghent, Belgium – 1991 †¢ Master in Business Administration – National University of Singapore – 2008 †¢ Specialisation in Export Management University of Antwerp, Belgium †¢ 1/1/2000: Start with Lotus Bakeries †¢ Director Sales Marketing Lotus Bakeries Asia Pacific : 1/11/2003 – 31/07/2008 †¢ Since 1/08/2008: Director Export Aim of this lecture : Introduce you shortly to Lotus Bakeries, our products and our structure and link it to our export strategy †¢ Go over some very simple basic principles to take in consideration in export with focus on 4 P’s †¢ Case: introducing Lotus in China †¢ Challenge you to think beyond the known and see international business with different eyes †¢ Q A. Contents : 1) Who is Lotus Bakeries ? †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ 1. History 2. Products 3. Organization 4. Results 5. Corporate Strategy 6. Realisation most important projects 2) Why exporting ? 3) How to start the export adventure ? 4) Case : Introduction of Lotus in China 5) QA 1) Who is Lotus Bakeries ? 1. History 932 1974 1988 2001 2006 2008 Foundation Lotus NV Merger with Corona IPO Lotus brand Acquisition of Koninklijke Peijnenburg (NL) Acquisition of Anna’s Pepparkakor (SE) 2. Products Caramelised biscuits Gingerbread Cakes Waffles Pepparkakor Caramelized biscuits Gingerbread Cakes Waffles Pepparkakor 3. Operational organisation Corporate headquarters in Lembeke 3. Operational organisation Corporate Executive Committee Group Management Team Northern Eastern Europe Belgium Netherlands France UK North America Export 3. Operational organisation Production plants Belgium: 4 France: 2 Netherlands: 3 Sweden: 1 Canada: 1 3. Operational organisation Production plants Canada: Calgary F: Comines Briec SE: Tyreso NL: Enkhuizen, Geldrop, Sintjohannesga B: Lembeke, Oostakker, Meise, Courcelles 3. Operational organisation Logistics centre Belgium – Central logistics centre in Lokeren for Belgium, France, Germany and export 3. Operational organisation Own sales organisations EUROPE San Francisco: USA Canada Singapore: Asia Pacific 3. Operational organisation Other export markets †¢ Export department in Belgium for Europe and Middle East †¢ Cooperation with specialized importers 4. Results 2009 Evolution of turnover – in mio EUR 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 56,7 224,5 179,3 152,3 261,1 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 4. Results 2009 EVOLUTION OF TURNOVER in millions of EUR Evolution of turnover 2009 – in mio EUR 275,0 250,0 225,0 200,0 175,0 150,0 125,0 100,0 75,0 50,0 25,0 0,0 1987 1994 1995 2001 2002 2009 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 4. R esults 2009 Total turnover 2009 †¢ 261. 1 mio EUR Evolution †¢ †¢ Compared with 2008: + 1. 7% Like for like: stable evolution in 2009 versus 2008, taking in account: †¢ †¢ †¢ Takeover Anna’s Divestment Harry’s Benelux Falling sales Jaffa Cake Bars with expiry of the contract with Mc Vities We will write a custom essay sample on Lotus Bakery, Case Study specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lotus Bakery, Case Study specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lotus Bakery, Case Study specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Geographical turnover 2009 per area N-America 6,1% NE EU 8,1% UK 5,1% Export 5,1% Belgium 30,5% France 14,0% Netherlands 31,0% REBIT and REBITDA 2009 mio EUR 2009 2008 Evolution % Turnover Depreciation and amounts written off REBIT REBITDA 261. 1 (12. 1) 256. 7 (11. 0) + 1. 7 + 9. 8 34. 6 48. 2 34. 0 45. 7 + 1. 6 + 5. 5 REBIT and REBITDA 6 m 2010/ 6 m 2009 mio EUR Turnover Depreciation and amounts written off REBIT REBITDA 6 m 2010 6 m 2009 127. 2 (5. 6) 17. 5 24. 3 Evolution % 125. 9 (5. 5) 16. 1 22. 7 + 1. 1 + 3. 2 + 8. 8 + 7. 4 5. Lotus Bakeries growth strategy General theme of our strategic choices †¢ We focus our growth objectives on xpanding our best performing products†¦ †¢ †¦not on ‘fixing’ weaker performing products †¢ We believe that†¦ â€Å"The better a product is performing, the further it is away from its full potential†5. Lotus Bakeries growth strategy Choices â€Å"To become the number 1 branded leader in our specialt y bakery products by maintaining a clear superior taste experience. We want to achieve sales growth ahead of market growth to create room for more investments into the market. ††¢ Original Caramelised biscuits : drive to full potential †¢ Pepparkakor: become clear leader in Nordics and focus on US + Export to Japan. OCB spread: make the success sustainable in home countries †¢ Gingerbread: sharpen positioning and invest behind stars †¢ Waffles: develop star products with international potential †¢ Cakes: invest behind stars †¢ Private label: be very selective Specific growth objectives based on consumer insights (penetration, frequency, value) Strong trade marketing capabilities to win the war in the store Sharp communication on consumption moments linked with brand essence Format innovations to expand star products Maintained lean and flexible supply model to follow the stars and trade activation 5. Lotus Bakeries growth strategy TOP culture TEAMSPIRIT PASSION OPEN DIALOGUE We are using 3 main brands: Lotus, Peijnenburg and Anna’s: Lotus is the main international brand Home markets NL Speculoos BE/FR Nordics International Pepparkakor Spread Ginger bread Waffles Cakes 6. Realisation most important projects. 6. Realisation most important projects. 5. New corporate website 2) Why exporting ? Geographical objectives †¢ Caramelized biscuits: become a global player as market- and brandleader. Geographical objectives †¢ Gingerbread : become market- and brandleader in The Netherlands, Belgium, France Geographical objectives †¢ Cakes : originally regional. Market- and brandleader in the local market of each speciality. Geographical objectives †¢ Waffles: strong presence in countries with own sales office. Geographical objectives †¢ Annas Ginger Thins: maintain leading position in Scandinavia and introduce it world wide. Geographical objectives †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Diversification of the market Need for new turn over Competition in home market Demand from abroad Unique product to bring to the world Love to travel 3) How to start the Export adventure ? How to start the export adventure ? Analysis and home work †¢ SWOT – Analyse †¢ 5 Forces Model of Porter †¢ McKinsey 7S Model †¢ Go – No go †¢ Practical and start †¢ 4 P’s SWOT Analysis 5 Forces Model Porter What determines the average industry profitability ? 7S Model What are our core competences on Company level ? Go – No go Concent ric approach Go ? Start 4P’s or 7 P’s 4 P’s †¢ More in production oriented industries †¢ Product †¢ Price †¢ Place †¢ Promotion 4P’s or 7 P’s 3 extra P’s †¢ More in a service industry †¢ People †¢ Process †¢ Physical Evidence 3. 1 Unique product and unique concept for export Some questions on the product The product for export is not the same as the product for your domestic market: Why? Some questions on the product †¢ Which products can I sell in export? Why should I export this product? †¢ Do I have to adapt the taste, shape, details of the products? †¢ What about the local rules in f. i. food safety? †¢ What about the local rules in packaging and labeling? †¢ What about the size, weight, colour,†¦ of my product? †¢ Is my packaging suitable for overseas export (transport, palletisation,†¦. ) Some questions on the product †¢ Do I have a story on my pr oduct or an unique concept? Does my product requires special production methodes, different from the methodes used for my domestic products? †¢ Do I need to do more indepth research? 3. 2 Price structure for export Bottom up calculation †¢ Cost price calculation: how much does my products cost basically? †¢ Raw materials, labour, overheads, internal transport, warehousing, General Administration costs, †¦ †¢ How much gross margin do I need – want ? Bottom up calculation †¢ Which Incoterm do we use? †¢ Ex Works - inside EU †¢ FOB - overseas †¢ Others: liability? (CF, CIF,†¦) Bottom up calculation †¢ Extra costs for export? Extra packaging extra labels †¢ Transport: refer or not? Special transport modus? †¢ Extra people involved? †¢ Extra documents (certificate of origin, health certificate, transport documents, †¦) †¢ Insurance Bottom up calculation †¢ Extra costs for marketing support overs eas †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Sampling degustation Introduction Listing fees Actions and promotions Local sales team? Instore activities, publicity, advertising, †¦ Top down check †¢ Competition †¢ Who is it and what type of products do they sell †¢ What is their pricing level? Top down check †¢ Market †¢ How much spending power do people have? What proportion of that power is spent to products like mine? †¢ Is the market price sensitive or not? Potential extra costs barriers †¢ Potential Extra Costs †¢ Import duties †¢ Exchange rate: cost of money Potential extra costs barriers †¢ Potential Barriers †¢ Tarrifs †¢ Import duties, Transit duties (India),†¦ †¢ Non-Tarrifs †¢ Rules, laws that change,†¦ †¢ F. i. closure of Chinese ports during Olympics 3. 3 Place : Local Distribution in export What kind of local distribution ? Different forms of partnership in distribution dependin g on how complex you want to go †¢ Agent : intermediair between you and potential clients. You sell to the local client, the agent gets a commission. †¢ Importer: you sell directly to him; he markets your product †¢ Importer wholesaler What kind of local distribution ? Different forms of partnership in distribution depending on how complex you want to go †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Representative office: check the market Sales office: part of own organisation Joint Venture: check the market Local production: own local company Be prepared Who is our local partner ? Checklist. †¢ General information: name, address, phone numbers,.. †¢ How is he structured? Who are his clients? †¢ Geographic structure: e. g. in China: is he all over the country? Own sales people? †¢ Logistics: does he has his own warehouse and trucks? How is he organised? †¢ What other products does he import – distribute – manufacture ? Be prepared Who is our local partner ? Checklist. †¢ Conditioning of the products locally: refrigerator or not, stock capacity, how will he handle our products? †¢ Is he a brand builder? Is he market leader? †¢ Exclusivity or not? Territorial protection? †¢ How to check? †¢ Via internet or own network etc †¢ Via banks, Chamber of Commerce, business Clubs,†¦ †¢ Via Embassy or FIT 3. 4 Promotion : Export marketing Export marketing Brand or Private label ? OEM ? What does our brand means in that country? †¢ What is our brand positioning? †¢ What is our target public there? Export marketing What actions ? †¢ Sampling and tastings †¢ How to measure the impact of actions? How to get the exact figures? Nielsen , GFK,†¦ Export marketing Local ru les on advertising ? †¢ Any restrictions ? †¢ Anything we can’t do ? Export marketing Cost of marketing actions : †¢ How much budget do we need ? †¢ How much is paid by our local partner ? Cultural issues †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Cultural: position of men and women? Religious rules (written or non written) Language Colours Political issues: avoid . 5 People : Internal Structure Internal structure Do we have an export department ? †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Do we need an export manager? Who will do the back office? Can we be reached the whole day? Do we master the languages? Internal structure Export needs to be structured Focus leads to succes. Other departments Logistic department : †¢ Inter company transport †¢ Transport to harbour †¢ Export documents Other departments Quality management : †¢ What rules? †¢ How to use them in a commercial way Other departments IT department : †¢ Internet connections †¢ SAP Other departments Finance department : †¢ Export cost money Other departments General management : †¢ Everybody in the company must believe in export †¢ Communication with collegues and management: personal PR †¢ Take everybody with you in the story 3. 6 Process : Process Procedures, flows, processes etc. by which services are consumed : †¢ How does the supply chain go from our suppliers over our company all the way to the end consumer of our product or service? †¢ How do we manage and controle those processes? †¢ Audits? ISO? 3. 7. Physical Evidence : Physical evidence The ability and environment in which the service is performed †¢ What tools do we need to perform and deliver? How can we measure our clients needs and expectations ? †¢ How can we meet these expectations ? †¢ How to reach customers with other expectations ? 4. Case : Introduction of Lotus in China 4. 1. Prospection phase Prospection phase Since 2000 we started to follow the Chinese market and tried to get insights †¢ How is th e market organised and structured †¢ Who are the local and international players in the market – production and sales ? †¢ How does the supply chain looks ? †¢ What type of consumers do we have and what is the segmentation we can do ? Prospection phase Partner selection : done by 2004 †¢ How do we want to enter the market ? No own production †¢ No own company †¢ No direct delivery to the retailers †¢ ? Via an importer †¢ They know the market †¢ They take ownership and responsability Prospection phase Partner selection : done by 2004 †¢ Who are the import companies? †¢ What is their strenght and potential ? †¢ What kind of contract do we have ? Analyse 2009 : Analyse of existing partner in view of challenges in growth and logistic power for world expo 2010 : new partner selected 4. 2. Start up phase Start up phase : Products : †¢ Only speculoos †¢ Focus on coffee + cookie concept †¢ Single wrapped packs and family packs Start up phase : Region : †¢ China is too big to be seen as one country †¢ Different languages †¢ Different cultures †¢ Different eating paterns †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¢ Where do we start ? †¢ Shanghai †¢ Rest of China (e. g. Carrefour) 4. 3. Growth phase Sales marketing support 2010 : Sales are supported based on a marketing plan †¢ What action : sampling and tasting, TG/gondola, 2nd placement†¦ †¢ Cost of actions †¢ Estimated volume and sales †¢ Agreed by Lotus Bakeries Sales marketing support 2010 : Support : †¢ Mostly in free sampling goods, participation to exhibitons, tastings †¦ Pricing situation †¢ Mostly our price level in the trade is OK. We are cheaper priced then high end brands like Bahlsen, JDS etc†¦ and of course higher priced then local manufactured products. †¢ Positioning : sophisticated (from Europe), yet accessable. Brand salience in China Challenges : †¢ Need to translate our brand salience and visualise this link with coffee consumption at home. Brand salience in China Challenges : †¢ Consistency in our communication: †¢ Look and feel of new OCB packaging †¢ Sampling booth †¢ Website: www. lotusbakeries. cn †¢ Action and promotions Brand salience in China Challenges : †¢ Technical : how do we make publicity ? What kind of setting ? †¢ What kind of models ? Sampling in the basis Possible sampling places and moments ? †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ World expo at Belgian Pavillion Retail in Shanghai during the expo period In atrium or shopping centra Street : sampling in Nanjing Lu, Huaihai Lu and other main shopping streets †¢ Bars, hotels†¦ during night events ? †¢ Exhibitions : Food Hotel China, Sweets China, at the entrance and corridors, in our booth†¦ Sampling @ Expo †¢ In 3 locations : at the entrance of the Belgian Pavillion, in coffee shop and in shop †¢ Lotus has developped the wrapper and will give 8. 00. 000 biscuits for free †¢ 1 biscuit per second †¢ Biggest sampling action for Lotus ever Sampling @ Expo †¢ The focus is on one pack : OCB 25X1 which is sold in the pavillion at the same price as downtown Shanghai (22 RMB) †¢ Local coordination by PAF trainee Sampling @ Expo Queuing for the Belgian Pavilion Queuing for the Belgian Pavilion sampling sampling sampling sampling sampling In the shop In the shop In the shop In the shop In the shop Questions ? †¢ Thank you for your attention †¢ www. lotusbakeries. com
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